Non-profit Appreciation Week 2023

Second Annual Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Kicks Off

(Monday, February 13, 2023, Richmond Hill, Ontario) This week we are celebrating the second annual Ontario Week of Appreciation for the Non-Profit Sector, thanks to a Private Members Bill, Bill 9, Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, 2021 by Daisy Wai, MPP for Richmond Hill.

The Act passed third reading in the Ontario Legislature with unanimous, all-party support and was given Royal Assent in 2021.  It proclaims that non-profits “serve millions of Ontarians every year in every corner of the province.  Their work is indispensable and heroic, but it is all too often invisible.  Their public service deserves to be recognized and honoured.”

Throughout this week, from February 13th to February 19th, 2023, all MPPs are encouraged to help celebrate the dedicated and hard-working staff in the not-for-profit sector which adds tremendous value to every local community in Ontario.  From supporting youth and children, to protecting our vulnerable populations, not-for-profit organizations play an important role in helping build strong communities in our province.

“Non-Profits are at the forefront of serving Ontarians.  Most of them reported increased demand and costs for their services during the pandemic,” said Daisy Wai, MPP for Richmond Hill. “We need to recognize the local community champions and celebrate them all this week – and every week – for their incredible work and contributions to the non-profit sector.”


  • Ontario’s non-profit sector is the largest in Canada, with over 58,000 registered charities and non-profit organizations that offer a wide range of services to children, families and seniors including mental health support, seniors’ services, homeless shelters, services for people who have experienced violence, skills development, specialized help for children, support for people with disabilities, and family support services to programs that promote arts and culture, environmental sustainability and recreation.
  • Last year, the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services provided about $5.6 billion to non-profit institutions including developmental services agencies, Children’s Aid Societies, Violence Against Women shelters, Indigenous centres, and Family Services organizations to help more Ontarians connect to these important services.